Dear parents and interested parties of the international child care center Curumim,
Thank you for your interest.
Initially, registration is non-binding and free of charge via Kindernet, Frankfurt am Main. As soon as it is foreseeable that one of the childcare places will become available, we will contact the parents at an early stage. Only after a meeting with the parents, either with the head of the child care center or with the IMBRADIVA e.V., and the signing of the day care center contract, will a binding registration be made.
In order to ensure an undisturbed daily routine for the children, we are unfortunately unable to arrange visits or individual appointments at the day care center, except for the information evening. We kindly ask you to send your requests by e-mail to the following address:
All requests will be processed as soon as possible.
Furthermore, on our calendar, you have the possibility to inform yourself about our information evenings.
One more note: If you send us your pre-registration, we will only get back to you if we can offer you a place. We do not cancel pre-registrations. We also can’t divulge any information about the place status, as this can rapidly change.
Thank you for your understanding
Your Child Care Center Curumim
Please use the online form: https://www.kindernetfrankfurt.de
AND the form of the day care center Curumim:
Pre-registration Krippe (Kids under 3 years old)
Pre-registration Kindergarten (Kids from 3 to 6 years old)
Selection procedure
Kita Curumim may only accept children who are residents of Frankfurt am Main, and who are registered through www.kindernetfrankfurt.de. During the selection process we take several factors into account, particularly the criteria of the city of Frankfurt (kindernetfrankfurt) .